Now Where Did I Put Those Kids...

Category: , , By Dr. Common Sense

Mr. Luong gets pissed off at his wife and decides instead of slapping her around like any good Vietnamese immigrant in Alabama would do, he decides to throw his kids off a bridge instead.

Here is what I find disturbing - the confessed (keyword confessed) killer will now go before a jury to determine his sentence for hurling his four children 80ft into a freezing river. Who knows, maybe in his defense this was a technique used in Vietnam to toughen up your offspring and weed out the weak ones. Then again I highly doubt the ancestral culture of this lunatic played a role in this gruesome act.

Four counts of capital murder should easily have this guy swinging from the gallows by summer, but America loves its appeals process. I didn’t see anyone protesting the quick execution of the former president of Iraq. Did he get an appeal?

This guy will die in prison like other confessed murderous psychopaths. He’ll never see the death penalty. Crimes like this cost American’s thousands of dollars and give no deterrent to evil actions of this nature to the general public.

1 comment so far.

  1. Anonymous September 22, 2008 at 3:30 PM
    Our system, including our appeal process, was put in place to protect all of us equally...that means sometimes people like this get more due process than they should. But there is no way to avoid this circumstance if we want to protect the rights of everyone, even those who are innocently tried and convicted.

Something to say?